Parts and Manuals

Operators, parts and repair manuals can be emailed to you in Adobe .pdf format or we can mail a printed copy if a .pdf manual is currently not available. We offer hundreds of the most common fast moving parts at very attractive prices and our sales are geared towards the fleet owners of Wisconsin engines such as duct cleaning companies and saw cutting contractors. Our prices are based solely on volume and all parts meet or exceed factory specifications. We have dozens of pictures of various parts to help you identify what part(s) you have.

 Manuals, Operators, Parts & Repair
 Parts at special pricing
 Magneto's and Parts, Bosch, Eisemann, FM, Wico and more
 Charging System Identification
 Rebuild Kit for 9.2 hp Model AENLD, to follow, contact us
 Rebuild Kit for 18.2 hp Model THD, to follow, contact us
 Rebuild Kit for 18.2 hp Model TJD, to follow, contact us
 Rebuild Kit for 30 hp Model W2-1250, to follow, contact us
 Rebuild Kit for 30 hp Model VH4D
 Rebuild Kit for 35 hp Model W4-1770, to follow, contact us
 Rebuild Kit for 37 hp Model VG4D, to follow, contact us
 Rebuild Kits for 65.9 hp Model V465D
 Pictures of Misc. Engines & Parts to Aid in Identification
 Solid State Distributors, Parts and Complete Distributors
 Catalytic Muffler for all Models


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Copyright (2003) WMC  Last updated 06-07-07