We uarantee that all our parts meet or exceed the original factory specification. In most cases we are buying our parts from the same sources as Wisconsin Motors, LLC. Note that we are in no way associated with Wisconsin Motors, LLC nor are we an authorized dealer or distributor . We are independently owned and operated.

All small parts orders are quoted at Canadian list price. Our discounts for volume start at around $250. A significant savings can be realized for orders over $1,000.00 net . We have broken these parts down into several categories and will expand the information shortly on which models they are used on. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to doing business with you.

Rebuild Kit for F163 Continental

1-repair manual - included no charge with rebuild kit order
1-parts manual - included no charge with rebuild kit order
4-F163A0408IE piston
1-F163T00119 ring set
1-F400T00264 rod bearing set (early)
1-F400T00352 rod bearing set (late)
1-F163T00103 main bearing set
1-F400T00181 cam bushing set
4-F400G00211 pin bushing
8-TM27I00316 valve guide
8-Y400I00215 valve spring
4-F600I00347 inlet valve
4-F601I00303 exhaust valve
1-N62T00136 oil pressure relief valve
For gasket sets contact us (refer to parts catalog TTP10010)

piston sizes are available in .020", .030" and .040"
ring sets are available in .020", .030" and .040"
rod bearings are available in .010", .020", .030", and .040"
main bearings are available in .010", .020", .030" and .040"

Before you do any machine work such as re boring or crank grinding please check availability of the oversize parts you think you may need.

Specifications for Torques, Tolerances and Clearances COMING SOON

To get a quotation for all your parts requirements, click here to print off a faxable form


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Copyright (2003) WMC  Last updated 09-14-07